Full Year Presale
Full Year Revenue from sales of real estate
Quarterly Presale
Quarterly Revenue from sales of real estate
1Q 2023 2Q 2023 3Q 2023 4Q 2023 2023
units Value (Bt m) units Value (Bt m) units Value (Bt m) units Value (Bt m) units Value (Bt m) %
Presale by type
Townhouse 932 2,315 944 2,448 827 2,036 780 1,972 3,483 8,771 47%
Single-Detached House 209 1,158 258 1,319 271 1,603 186 965 924 5,046 27%
Condominium 453 992 240 883 588 1,486 506 1,361 1,787 4,723 26%
Total 1,594 4,466 1,442 4,650 1,686 5,125 1,472 4,299 6,194 18,540 100%
Revenue by type
Townhouse 819 2,045 958 2,399 856 2,137 899 2,351 3,532 8,932 40%
Single-Detached House 225 1,199 272 1,443 294 1,612 302 1,715 1,093 5,969 27%
Condominium 483 2,759 382 1,733 347 1,527 311 1,305 1,523 7,325 33%
Land Sale N/A 26 N/A 75 N/A 30 N/A 0 N/A 131 1%
Total 1,527 6,030 1,612 5,650 1,497 5,306 1,512 5,371 6,148 22,357 100%